7 Ways to Prevent Creative Burnout + Restore Your Creative Balance

7 Ways to Prevent Creative Burnout + Restore Your Creative Balance

Every creative faces a bit of writer’s block, lack of inspiration, and burnout now and then. That’s especially true when it’s your job to crank out a steady flow of solid content on a regular basis. The added pressure of maintaining a level of work that exceeds your client’s or employer’s expectations every time can…

How Branding and Commercial Videographer Tyler Dooghan Makes a Promo Video | San Diego
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How Branding and Commercial Videographer Tyler Dooghan Makes a Promo Video | San Diego

As a branding and commercial videographer, I often have the opportunity to create promo videos for products and advertisements. A promo video is designed to quickly catch and keep the viewer’s attention. Sometimes it inspires and motivates; other times it piques curiosity and intrigues the viewer. In other words, it’s not just another boring commercial….

Vintage Lenses | Tyler Dooghan Shares Best Vintage Lenses

Vintage Lenses | Tyler Dooghan Shares Best Vintage Lenses

To be honest with you, my collection of vintage lenses started out of necessity (not quite the trending hobby and specialty that it is today). I started my collection at the beginning of my filming career because I really loved the look that vintage lenses gave off—very cinematic—but I didn’t have the money to get…

4 Ways to Start a YouTube Channel without Hiring a Videographer

4 Ways to Start a YouTube Channel without Hiring a Videographer

Every now and then, I receive a request to help with a personal YouTube channel. While I understand the desire to hire a professional, I usually encourage aspiring YouTube stars to try their hand at the gig first. If you have ideas for videos but you’re wondering how to start a YouTube channel, I’ve got…